Chinese Cupping Therapy

Celebrity Cupping

Celebrity Cupping

Cupping Fire

Suction Cupping

Fire Cupping

Fire Cupping

Practitioner holds the cup inverted over a flame ignited with a 99% alcohol-soaked cotton swab, heats the air and places the cup immediately against the skin; therefore the vacuum is created by loss of oxygen as the fire being put out, the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup as blood rushes up. Fire Cupping is a traditional technique. The benefit is the greater gain of acupressure with cup seal tight, the drawback is the potential of risk of burning.

Suction Cupping

Suction Cupping

Cup with suction mechanism has been developed and become popularly used. Practitioner places the cup against the skin, pumps the air out from the cup with a hand pump; therefore the vacuum is created by negative pressure, and the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup as blood rushes up. Suction cupping has been widely used because it is so easy and manageable and it is very safe for any ages even for children.

Sliding cupping

Sliding Cupping

In order to enhance the healing result, practitioner has used liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols or essential oil on cupping. While the skin lubricated, practitioner slides the adhered cup along the meridians or encircles the troublesome region, the movement stimulates the stagnating skin, stubborn knots and areas of rigid tissue. The skin will therefore turn reddish, indicating that the circulation has been brought to the skin surface. Furthermore, the absorption of the medicinal medium deepens into the tissue, the local blood supply is increased the muscles and skin are nourished and the toxins is being carried away via the veins. Patient gets deep warmth sensation, relax and relief right after the treatment has ended. The only downside of sliding cupping is it should not be used on protruding moles, skin tags, and scabs.


Should not deliver cupping treatment if the patient is experiencing hungry or extreme exhausted.

Cupping should not be used on open wounds, tumors, inflamed or infected skin, sites of post-surgery, areas where broken bone are suspected, and the abdominal area of pregnant women.

Be cautious if the patient has diabetes or blood coagulation disorder.

There are always cupping marks or bruise left on the skin and it is not uncommon that some small blisters may appear after cupping, it is a healing process. The skin will absorb it and recovers naturally in several days. Practitioner has proper follow ups should patient has any blister concern.

Chinese Cupping Therapy – Relaxing, Healing and Pain Relieving

History and more information about Cupping

Cupping, is a therapeutic technique used in conjunction with acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion and Chinese herbal medicine. It is one of the common practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Cupping was created as a body work treatment by ancient Chinese nearly 3,000 years ago; it tends to improve circulation by bringing fresh blood to the outer layer of the skin. The theory is to dispel “stagnation”, regulate the flow of Qi and Blood. Originally, cup was made of animal horn specifically of water buffalo¡¯s horn (Cornu Bubali). 475 B.C. ¨C 221 B.C. cupping was further developed as a means to deliver with acupuncture, acupressure and Chinese herbal medicine, brass, ceramic and bamboo cups were used then. From the last few decades, practitioners have started to use glass, plastic and rubber cups. The cupping cups are roughly bell shaped with diameter of 0.5 to 2.5 inches. Practically, cups are in pairs applied onto the patient¡¯s back in vertical parallel columns, located at acupuncture points along meridians run between the spine and each edge of the body and from cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx column.

Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and reaches every organs and tissues. There are five major meridians on the back being used for cupping treatment; there are some specific meridians and acupuncture points on the neck, chest, abdomen, buttocks and limbs available as well. When the meridians are open, invigorating energy freely travels to the whole length of the body, and then does the healing begin.

Each cupping session is about 10 to 20 minutes. When the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup the blood rushes up. It does not hurt. Patient just feels like someone is pulling at their skin. After the treatment, circular marks may be left on the skin where the cups were and subside for a day or two eventually disappear. The principle of cupping is to improve circulation, drain excess fluids and toxins, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles and stimulate the peripheral nervous system.

Since cupping acts like deep tissue massage, it has been found that it affects the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, helps activate the lymphatic system, help with colon issues, help with blood flow in arteries and capillaries, activate the skin function, help clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. That is why patient feels it was so relax and many times the pain has gone after receiving cupping treatment.

Study suggests that cupping can be beneficial to of respiratory system such as the common cold, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis; digestive system such as Crohn¡¯s disease, colitis, sensitive bowl syndrome, indigestion, malnourishment, eating disorder; and musculoskeletal pain, neurogenic pain, menstrual cramp, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on.

Pace Massage
4430 Hwy 90 Ste G
Pace, Fl 32571
Lic# MM35015